Thikthakam kashayam is an Ayurvedic medicine for skin diseases and improving complexion. It also helps to treat many digestive disorders and beneficial in some psychiatric conditions too. Benefits of Thikthakam kashayam The formulation of Thiktakam is explained as a ghrita yoga in Malayalam text Sahasrayoga but it is used as a kashayam more often. In today’s world people are affected by many types of derangement in fat metabolism; may it be Hyperlipidemia or obesity or hypercholesteremia or atherosclerosis or hypertension. Most of these, associated with weak digestion, too. In such people, the ghee preparation may worsen the condition rather than curing it. But the same herbs in a water-soluble form in the decoction can act as the cure for many such derangements, even for hypercholesterolemia. Thiktakam Ghee combination is used either as acchasnehapana as a preparatory procedure to Ayurvedic Panchakarma (cleansing therapy) or as samanasneha in small doses after having Kashaya or other rookshana medicines for a while.It helps to regain health after the rookshana(drying up ) therapies. It is very effective in chronic skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema, and atopic dermatitis. It is found beneficial in healing diabetic wounds and gangrene. Also, fistulae, cervical lymphadenitis, abcesses, oedema, and sinus wounds. Thiktakam being pacifying Pitta dosha, it is used in many diseases where Agni is deranged. It includes many liver disorders like Obstructive and infective jaundice, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and non-alcoholic fatty liver. In psychiatric disorders where Pitta is the main vitiated Dosha, thiktakam is very much yielding. It is used successfully in Maniac stage of Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia with grandeur or paranoid delusions etc In some stages of epilepsy also it is found useful. Kids with some types of Learning disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder show much affinity to Thiktakam ghritam and it is beneficial in such conditions. Indications of Thikhtakam kashayam Pittakushtha – Skin diseases where redness, raised temperature and burning sensation are evident. visarpa – Herpes Pidaka -Boils Daaha -Burning sensation Trishna -Excess thirst Bhrama -Giddiness Kandu -Pruritis Pandwarnya -Anaemic disorders Gandamala – Scrofula/Cervical tubercular lymphadenitis Dushtavrana -Non-healing wounds and ulcers Naadivrana -Sinus Apachi -Cervical lymphadenitis/Goitre Visphota -Skin rash with infected blisters and pustules Vidradhi -Abscess Gulma -Indigestion with abdominal pain and distension. Sopha -Oedema Unmada -Psychotic conditions Mada -Intoxication Hridroga – Chest pain and discomforts, diseases of the heart Timira -Eye diseases including cataract Vyanga -Melasma Grahani -Irritable bowel syndrome and Malabsorption Switra -Vitiligo Kamala -Jaundice Bhagandara -Anal fistulae Apasmara -Epilepsy Udar -Ascites Pradaram -Leucorrhoea Garam -Chronic and slow poisoning Arsh -Piles Asrapitta -Bleeding disorders Dosha Dooshya Predominance with roga marga. Thikthakam kashayam is Pitta-Kapha hara. It acts on aabhyantara, madhyama and bahya rogamarga Dosage and Usage of Thikthakam kashayam Dosage: two Pala.