It is a traditional form of medicine used since ancient times prepared from multiple natural herbs. Chyawanprash is a natural health supplement and immune booster which is considered as Rasayana in classics (means having rejuvenating properties). The origin of the name of this formulation is as it was firstly prepared by a rishi (saint) named ‘Chayawan’ so known as Chyavanprash. It possesses multiple health benefits like immunity booster, longevity, respiratory disorders, digestive problems and improves memory, intellect. The main aim of the great sage Chawayan rishi in this preparation was to be younger, improve vitality and strength. So in this article we will review about Chyavanaprasam basic ingredients, method of preparation, benefits and dosage. Chyavanprasha is a rasayana formulation which is purely herbal in nature and aims to anti ageing, antioxidant and immune booster properties. It contains amla (Emblica officinalis) as its main ingredient and it was first mentioned by Acharya Charka in classical texts. There are multiple benefits of Chyawanprash for health such as providing strength, nourishment, vitality, preventing recurrent viral infections like cold, cough, and reducing stress & anxiety. The word Chyavanprash is made of two words ‘Chyavan’ and ‘prash’, Chyavan is the name of a sage/ saint and ‘prasha’ means ‘specifically prepared food’. This formulation is prepared by processing extract from 48 numbers of drugs having jam-like consistency According to classical texts, there are different views about Chyavanaprasam by different Acharyas but each considers it as Rasayana and balances all dosha i.e. vata, pitta and kapha. It is beneficial for everyone such as young ones, old age, emaciated, traumatised persons also. The indications mentioned in classics are as follows- Ingredients The list of ingredients are given below- Kwatha Dravya (Decoction Material) Prakshep Dravya (Paste Drugs) Sneha Dravya Benefits Of Ingredients